Wednesday 22 February 2012

variance bites

now don't feel sorry for me ladies and gents we have all been where i am at the moment, You know what i mean, That gut wrenching place, where from the moment you get involved in a pot worth any while and you are a huge fav to win and your opponent Bink's the 5 percenter LDO...and you just shake your head or fist or whatever at the screen hoping that somehow that it didn't really just happen again
Well that is where i find myself at the moment , I moved from my beloved 888 to stars as apparently <3 stars is the way forward, luckily for me i only started at the mico's as i wanted to build a roll from virtually nothing,I mean  how hard can it be to beat the mico's at 10nl RIGHT erm no WRONG apparently,
I Have tried everything from 21-18 to 23-9 over like 35k hands but the poker gods seem to wish that i lose any pot where i get it in good so i win small pots and lose the ones where stacks are involved i.e aa v kk and k Bink's or flopped nut straight versus flopped 3 of a kind and it goes in and full house appears as if by some black magic.
Its even got to the stage where it is affecting my partner, after for the umpteenth time my obscenities can be heard from my desk into the living room  where my partner was doing some jigsaw puzzle or other. she shouts what's a matter with you now!!  i shout back come and have a look at wtf has just happened to me again wtf  is going on!!!! i mean look how can i bloody be   -6.7bb/100 against these lot, she looks at me and uses the one word that she has picked up from me in regards to poker over the years  VARIANCE, i just laugh at her and think to myself (well you can kiss my derier) But say yes pet i guess you are right...and take a tilt break, i often use these  when playing at a higher level and things are not going right but for the love of god I'm not supposed to be having to take one whilst playing 10nl......
So night after night I'm playing bad losing pots which are mathematically not really mine to lose and she is still doing her jigsaw Then finally comes the magical words i long to hear coming from the other room, ffs i have finished my jigsaw puzzle and there is three pieces missing!!!! i have spent a week doing this for nothing!!!!!,I duly oblige her with the revenge word i have had on my mind since she said it to me, WELL DEAR THAT'S VARIANCE,
The one thing i didn't tell her though was i was the V in variance and had tilt shoved her 3  pieces in the bin two days earlier...
meanwhile i continue along the path or rather ski slope that is my stars poker graph  in the hope that one day i will win something that will enable me to buy her a new jigsaw lolz
out for now


Tuesday 17 May 2011

was talking to buff the other night and he  told me i must post this, which has been saved to notepad for like 7 or 8 weeks
well it seems i  fail at updating this as much as i fail to get any significant poker in at the moment,
first off i have not played a lot of poker for the first couple of months of this year due to other commitments, and not being sure what i want to do moving forward with my poker, My best results have come at playing cash game's, But have found i have a liking of playing mtt's(with mixed results) but the problem i have is (i suppose like a lot of people) i find the beats so much harder to deal with than i would in cash game's,i mean one miss step in a mtt and it can cost you a real deep run but one in a cash game and it like meh fek it and reload,
Anyhoots at the beginning of the month (march) i decide bollix i will grind  loads of mtt's and move all my gear up to the caravan (another mistake)as i want to do this without kiddies and other distractions, i arrive there with the missus and kiddies as its the first weekend open after closed season everything is open on the park and have a good fri and sat with them,on the Sunday after lunch they go home leaving me in the van with only the dog for company,
so i reg for a ton of mtt's for the Sunday night only low bi one's nothing above $20.00 i have a not to bad start finishing 2nd in one for something like 400.00 (i know not balla lol but meh) which covers my bins for the rest of the night so I'm happy free rolling for the rest of the night,anyway it gets to about 10oclock and go to the loo but when i come back the mouse cursor wouldn't move, i think wtf is going on here the little infrared light thingy is still lit so i take the batteries out of the mouse and swap them around this seems to do the trick and I'm a happy bunny.But around 15mins later the fooking thing stops again no problem i think ill just get some out of the draw so i look in the draw and no bloody batteries i run about the van like a lunatic emptying all remotes and such but alas they all hold the small batteries and not AAA by this point i have worked my self up so bad the dog is looking at me like I'm stark raving mad,after about 20 mins i start to calm down and to think rationally again and think aha my keyboard it has batteries can u fookin beleave it they are the small version of pencil batteries aswell ,Idid consider going to other people's van's and asking if they had any but thought better of it , OK i say fook it I'm going for a pint in clubhouse maybe they will have batteries i walk round to clubhouse can you believe it all the light's are out i mean wtf i was only in there earlier that afternoon,,, anyway back to the van i trudge and think to myself lets just put a film on and get pissed and i will go to site shop in morning and start again,
I do as i say and drink everything available in van and wake up with a banging headache,
to recover i take the dog for a walk down to the beach for an hour or so and come back for another nap as I'm still suffering, eventually i get up and think lets start again but 1st lets go to the shop for the batteries i walk round to the shop and the fooking thing isn't open,off i go to the site manager's office and say what is going on,The manager informs me that the shop and the clubhouse is only open on weekends as not enough people on site until the tourists start  to arrive in the first week of April, why o why did no one tell me this in any news letters i say,Ah it's common knowledge he tells (its my 1st year on the site) not to bloody me i say,
Anyway now i really do have a problem  i didn't have and batteries no  beers or food as was planning to do all my eating in clubhouse and worse of all i have no car my missus took that home with her,
I think to my self no problem i will just walk up to the village it cant be more than a mile, off i set and this road just goes on and on and on and by the time i get there i really am fooked, i go in to shop get my food(well pot noodles) and my beer and a bottle of water i am halfway back with all this shopping in my bags and I'm sweating like a pig, my arms are aching and I'm just chewed on,I go into the bag for a drink of said water and can you fucking believe it i have bought some kind of fizzy water  with no flavour which is the worst thing  LIKE ever, im so knackered some elderly lady overtakes me whilst walking a dog (im fit as fook obv),Anyway i get back to the van make my self a cup of tea and relax destress if you like!!
after a little while I'm thinking well lets get set up to start again ready for tonight i go into the bag and look for the batteries for the mouse and they ain't there  i had only gone and bloody forgot to buy them,
So i decide fook this phone the missus to pick me up 2 days early(next morning) and get pissed again although on the bright side i did manage to watch all three series (about 12 hours) of the inbetweeners which if you have not seen it is comedy gold  even more so when you are sat by your self and pissed,,,,,
i should add as i side note that when the missus came up the next day she went into the bathroom and produced one of those automatic smelly things and guess what it ran on.............
also i have since drove to the shop and its actualy closer to three  miles to the fooking shop not so hard there but with a bag full of  beer on the way back pffffffffffffft!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 21 April 2011

micro crooks

OK so over the last few day's i have had emails from a few microcrooks site's like this one

Dear Member,

Don't miss our super promotion with Diamondbet at the Microgaming network.
Get up to 50% rakeback until the 31st July 2011 and that's not all, we also have a $4000 private rake race at Diamondbet and the winner takes home $1100.

Sign-up today at and get up to 50% rakeback:
so i fired an email off to one of To nordicbet

Hi Just a quick question
 re the offer you sent me..are you allowed to offer 50% rakeback without the crooks that are microgaming..closing your cash processors down?????? as i have been stung b4 to the tune of $$$$ with the tusk fiasco!!!!

and got the response

Reference number: LTK4960578457X
Subject: RE: You can now get up to 50% Rakeback at NordicBet!

Hi Ian, 
Thank you for your mail.
We are sorry to hear about your bad gaming experience earlier. This is a offer that we have and use also accepted of MicroGaming of course.
There should be nothing to worry about and you should absolutely give it a try.
If you should have any further questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate contacting us again.
Have a very nice day!
Kind regards,

well this pisses me off no end like 3-4 year ago microcrooks shut down tusk because they have been offering 50/50 rakeback
and now because what has happened at stars /tilt they are actively encouraging there skins to offer the 50% rakeback just shows what a bunch of absolute shyte heads they are FIRST off give me and the other thousands of people there money back that you robbed off us ,,,,,,,,you could personally offer 101% rakeback and i wouldn't play any cash games on yer crapy little site...
i also hope that anyone who is moving from stars/tilt does not get fooled into moving over to these crooked bastard's ,hopefully its  a case of once bitten microcrooks die

ok rant over

Wednesday 24 November 2010

1st post on here as watching the 1st test (what more can i say)

Okay well this will be my 1st post for my poker mishaps blog as finished playing for the night,and i am watching England's first test v the Aussies (Strauss out 3rd ball what more can i say) i better shut my gob about that as we may well win the test and the ashes, and will look a right plonker nowt new there tho........
not a lot to say really as i am only looking to set this up for posting in the new year,and also i am a boring bugger with no life why else would i be setting this up ,
No in all honesty i am looking to add a more structured regime to my poker as i am playing weyyyyyyyyy to much at the moment playing the freerolls from around 17.00 to midnight to try and win the PFRW league and then on to the real games with only one or two less donks per hundred, currently in 1st place with 6 weeks or so to go, in all honesty it is - Ev for me to be playing these but like everything in life i struggle to not let my self get beat at anything even tho in long run it is costing me in $$$$'s and for some bizarre reason want to win this,
But like i say in the new year i intend to update this blog every couple of weeks or so unless i do something of note like actually win something (so every couple of weeks it is then)
and to add how i am running in poker and life :)
so for now goodnight and be good to each other